Chicago alderpersons will soon vote on a proposed ordinance restricting property owners from installing free little libraries in front of their homes.

How can anyone object to free libraries in Chicago? Seems silly at first blush. We should always support neighbors sharing with neighbors, literacy campaigns, and lifetime learning. So what's the fuss? 

A free little library in the parkway

Free little libraries are those cute home-built and decorated repositories the have been popping in neighborhoods all over town. Delightfully elegant in their simplicity: Take a book that looks interesting. Leave a book for someone else to enjoy. Free-cycling for all. 

Our city counsel seems poised to have many of them removed and to prevent others from being built. 

The issue here boils down to placement: 

Want to put one between your house and the sidewalk?  (your property = ok)

But not on the parkway between the sidewalk and street. That's public property.

If the ordinance passes, anyone who wants to install a bookcase on the parkway will need to acquire and display a public way permit.

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